New species of today’s buttercups

New species of today's buttercups

Three new species of buttercups have been described from Western Pomerania. These are asexually reproducing microspecies from the group of goldilocks buttercups, whose representatives are characterized by exceptionally strong leaf polymorphism. Observing the variability of modern plants allows for a better interpretation of incomplete plant fossils. This is also another example showing how wrong the widespread thesis is that there is nothing (or almost nothing) left to discover, and that classical natural science research has lost its raison d’être.

Figure: The buttercup Ranunculus gryphum near Sławno in Western Pomerania

PUBLICATION: Halamski, A.T. 2024. Contribution à l’étude des renoncules tête d’or (Ranunculus auricomus aggr.) de la Poméranie polonaise. Trois espèces nouvelles des environs de Darłowo et Sławno. Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 93 (7–8), 169–205.